Our Scout Group
4th Billericay Scout Group is a registered charity, and is overseen by our dedicated Leaders. We are one of many Scout Groups across the UK (and globe), all of whom share a common structure, aim, and objectives. You can find out more about why we are all here on scouts.org.uk!
Our Scout District
In addition to 4th Billericay, there are 10 other Scout Groups across our local area, which covers Billericay, Wickford, Ramsden Heath, Runwell, and Stock. We welcome members from outside of these areas, of course!
You may have seen young people and adults while they are out and about. We are recognised anywhere by our uniform, which is:
A sweatshirt for the younger sections;
A shirt for Scouts, Explorers, and Leaders;
A scarf (unique to individual groups) for all members
Our weekly meetings are structured differently for Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts. We start all meetings with a flag break ceremony, and take part in activities throughout the time we have. In between activities, we also take part in games and teambuilding sessions.
The most important part of delivering Scouting activities is ensuring that all members feel that they are in a safe environment. We take great care in making safety the number one priority for us and all young people, and regularly work with our members to refresh their knowledge of personal, water, and outdoor safety.
Beavers, Cubs, and Scouts maintain a termly programme of activities which is sent out at the start of each school term. We also sometimes plan activities such as camps and trips a few months ahead.
Leaders within 4th Billericay regularly complete additional training (which, in some cases, is transferrable towards nationally recognised certification). Adults within the group have all completed Safeguarding, Safety, and GDPR training as a minimum, and all section leaders complete Scouting and ongoing training as part of their role.
Scout Groups are independently funded, and all members need to pay a membership fee. This covers insurance; the cost of administration, training, and development; and contributes to running costs of us as a Scout Group.
Fees are collected as subscriptions, each Term.
This website was created to be both free from clutter and to provide as much information as possible. It was made using Zryo, which is a low-cost web editor - and we would very much recommend it!
Our Premises
Our Scout HQ is available for hire by youth organisations and groups which run to benefit the local community. If you would like to get in touch regarding our premises, please do so through the Contact page.
Thinking about volunteering?
We have roles to suit adult volunteers of all ages and experience! From helping to keep our camping equipment in good condition to supporting our Executive Committee, every role in our Group provides value to our local community.