4th Billericay Scout Group
Who We Are
4th Billericay Scout Group is a registered charity whose aim is to deliver a quality programme of activities to young people in our locality. Our Scout Group, established in 1953, supports the physical, mental, and spiritual journey of all of our Members.
As part of our balanced weekly programme of activities we always strive for adventure, and work to do our best in all aspects of life. Our people are all volunteers from the local areas, and work hard to make the Scouting journey for all of our members as safe, active, and fulfilling as possible!
What Do We Do
All sections get a chance, each term, to take advantage of the great outdoors. From kayaking and climbing to bushcraft and pioneering, our members are always learning new skills!
Outdoor Activities
Indoor Activities
When we meet in our hall, we may be found playing games; working on projects; or practicing skills such as emergency response and basic first aid - and so much more!
Almost all activities we take part in contribute to an Activity Badge or a Challenge Award. Each section has different badges which they can earn throughout their time with us.
Trips and Outings
At least once a term we like to plan trips to places where young people wouldn't usually visit with school or families - places like rugby stadiums, the Olympic Park, and the beach!